Business Professional Solutions
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Due Diligence Solutions for Professionals
The McCauley due diligence solutions will provide you and, ultimately, your client with a professional analysis of your client's prospective or current business transactions using a proprietary research process I've created over time as a CPA, attorney and technical accounting researcher.
For an idea of how our firms would work together, see Steps 1 - 5 below:
Step 1. Explaining Due Diligence to Your Client
To help you explain the due diligence solutions to your clients, McCauley will provide you with a informational guide (click image or here to download guide) that details exactly what McCauley due diligence solutions include.
This guide's information can be used as content for an additional web page for your website or provided directly to your client on your firm's branded stationery.
Step 2. Collecting Your Client's Transactional Information
After you and your client discuss the details of a prospective business transaction (such as the legal documents involved, parties involved, areas of concerns, hopeful outcome and potential transaction amount), you can then reach out to McCauley for a conflict check and evaluation to see if the engagement can be accepted.
Step 3. Executing the Engagement Letter
Assuming there are no conflicts and the engagement can be green-lighted, we'll discuss your client's prospective business transactions, accompanying business documents and any specific areas of concern about the transaction your client might have at the outset.
After our discussion, I'll prepare an engagement letter that includes, at a minimum, the following:
scope of work,
project schedule,
identification of the end user of the research (e.g., your firm or your client),
confidentiality language, and
final deliverables.
If you are planning to provide your client with the research findings and bill them accordingly, our agreement will not be binding until you have a binding agreement with your client for the due diligence solutions. Once I receive notice from you that your client has agreed to pay you for due diligence solutions and all relevant business documents, I will begin my due diligence process.
In contrast, if your firm will be using the research findings interally, our agreement will be binding upon execution by an authorized person at your firm.
Step 4. Due Diligence Services
Using a methodology I've developed from my experience as a public company auditor, securities and tax attorney and SEC/financial reporting consultant, I will create a McCauley Report that is specifically tailored to your client's prospective business transaction.
During my review, questions about the proposed transaction may arise. These questions will be directed to you and not your client. The project schedule may change on account of the timing of when your responses are received.
Step 5. McCauley Report Delivery
Once completed, the McCauley Report will be sent to you in a Microsoft Word file format for you to place on your own letterhead or branded reporting templates. At the same time you receive the McCauley Report, I will also provide you with several dates and times I will be available to discuss the McCauley Report with you. No additional fees will be require to discuss the McCauley Report.
To obtain more information about due diligence solutions and a McCauley Report, simply click the link below and send us a brief message. You will receive a response within 24 hours.
To learn more about how McCauley can help you protect your clients, simply click the button below to contact me.